English - "Continental Drift - Colliding Continents, Converging
Preface by Prof.
John F. Dewey FRS FGS, Forward by
Prof. Sherban Veliciu, Sample
Chapter One (HTML), Sample Chapter
Four (PDF), 11 Miscellaneous
Reviews, Review from ISIS
Journal, Review by Prof.
Thomas Gallagher, Review
by Prof. Sherban Veliciu, Review
by Prof. Dennis Deletant OBE from the Slavonic & East European Review,
Review by Dr. Andrew Fleet
from the Mineralogical Society of Ireland and Great Britain Bulletin,
Review by Prof. Masaaki
Shimuzu from Resource Geology, Review
by Dr. Nick Petford from Times Higher Education Supplement, Review by Jean Verkaeren in Geologica Belgica.
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Romaneste - "Deriva Continentala - Colliding Continents,
Converging Cultures"
Preface by Prof.
John F. Dewey FRS FGS, Forward by
Prof. Sherban Veliciu, Sample
Chapter One (HTML).
Deutsch - "Continental Drift - Colliding
Continents, Converging Cultures"
Preface by Prof. John F. Dewey FRS FGS,
Forward by Prof. Sherban Veliciu,
11 Miscellaneous Reviews,
Review by Prof. Thomas Gallagher,
Review by Dr. Nick Petford
from Times Higher Education Supplement.
Espanol - "Continental Drift - Colliding
Continents, Converging Cultures"
Preface by Prof. John F. Dewey FRS FGSl, Review by Prof. Thomas Gallagher.
Italiano -
Preface by Prof. John F. Dewey FRS FGS.
Portugues - "Deriva dos Continentes
- Continentes em Colisão, Culturas em Convêrgencia"
Preface by Prof. John F. Dewey FRS FGS,
Forward by Prof. Sherban Veliciu,
11 Miscellaneous Reviews,
Review by Prof. Thomas
Gallagher, Review
by Dr. Nick Petford from Times Higher Education Supplement.
Buy Online!
dot com, Amazon
dot co dot uk, IOP
About the Book:
Constantin Roman, June 1, 2000 , 244pp, Illustrated Hardback, ISBN 0750306866,
Institute of Physics, London.